SOS Wins Lord Mayor’s Business Award

Save Our Supplies took home the 2022 Lord Mayor’s Business Award Winners for Environmental Sustainability in Business sponsored by Urban Utilities.
Thirty-four outstanding Brisbane businesses and eight business leaders were finalists across 11 categories.
Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said the awards showcased some of the most exciting, innovative and creative businesses in Brisbane, with finalists improving lives, creating jobs and driving the city’s global reputation for innovation.
“From businesses improving lives through healthcare innovation and accessibility, to those driving growth and jobs in our arts, culture and sports economies, this year’s entrants are making a remarkable impact in our community and around the world,” Cr Schrinner said.
“The vision and leadership of this year’s finalists will help carve out a lasting legacy for our city to 2032 and beyond.”
The 2022 awards received the highest number of nominations in its 17-year history, in a sign of post-pandemic optimism and growing confidence in the local business community, according to Cr Schrinner.
Finalists across a range of industries including sustainability, healthcare and technology are up for the awards, while Brisbane businesses with their sights on the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games are also amongst the finalists going for gold.
“Our city’s economic growth is driven by innovative businesses doing exciting things now, but with an eye to the future,” Cr Schrinner said.
“These awards recognise the city’s most exciting entrepreneurs and businesses who are creating jobs, improving lives and shaping the city’s future. Having seen the calibre of this year’s finalists, the opportunity for growth in Brisbane is limitless.”
Cr Schrinner said the 11 award categories highlighted success stories in a cross-section of industries, including health, technology, accessibility, sustainability, advanced manufacturing and arts and culture.
Read more here.